Your cycle as a seasonal calendar
On top of the world or deeply saddened: Many people are aware that our menstrual cycle affects our mood. The monthly cycle often brings about a fluctuation of emotions. Emotionality and negative feelings can be unsettling.\nThe four phases of the cycle are often compared to the seasons, as they also impact mood and energy. In this article, you will learn about the similarities between the seasons and the different phases of the cycle, as well as how you can effectively utilize them in your daily life.
Winter: Time to pause
The inner winter (menstruation) is a time for retreat and reflection. The focus is on regenerating energy for a new beginning. Through reflection and introspection, new plans, visions, and goals for the new cycle can be manifested.
Spring: Inner blossoming
The follicular phase, or inner spring, is characterized by blossoming. New life energy empowers us with drive, expressiveness, optimism, and curiosity. New projects or resolutions are welcome challenges. We take pleasure in learning and discovering new things and engaging with the external world once again.
Summer: Joy and confidence
The inner summer is the peak of fertility and presents itself in its most beautiful form: the summer glow acts as a magnet, inviting us to enjoy and celebrate life with all our senses. The energy is magical and grants us joy and confidence, enabling us to achieve everything we desire. It allows us to support others as team players and strengthen relationships.
Autumn: Grounding and deceleration
The inner autumn reveals a colorful bouquet in its versatile nature: harvest time and abundance, leading to nature's withdrawal and our retreat into cozy home life. It is time to complete, sort, and organize things, and to reconnect with ourselves after a magnificent summer. Deceleration helps us prepare for the new beginning and the inner winter.
Three tips for integrating this cycle knowledge into your daily life
1. Tip: Give yourself a break
The most important thing is to give yourself as much downtime as possible during your period. Rest, sleep, meditation, yoga, bathing, turning off your phone, canceling appointments, spending time in nature, journaling—or simply doing nothing. It's best to block out time at the beginning of your cycle (if it's regular) for this purpose. And if you still have to 'function' and have limited time for rest due to work or family commitments, it helps to prioritize what is important and what can wait for another day or two. Expect less of yourself, don't be too perfectionistic, and take things a bit slower. Take breaks in between, breathe deeply, and take care of your body with a hot water bottle, lavender oil, or herbal tea.
2. Tip: Utilize productive phases
Most people experience their most productive phase until ovulation and sometimes again in the middle of the luteal phase. Therefore, it can make sense to schedule tasks, social activities, new projects, and anything that requires a lot of energy during the second and third weeks of your cycle (for a 28-day cycle, for example).
3. Tip: Let it flow
Many people swear by the inner autumn for creative self-expression. Creativity can take many forms, from artistic activities to redecorating your living space, engaging in crafts, dancing, cooking, or writing. This can provide an outlet for emotions and perhaps even aggression, while also being an opportunity to spend valuable time with yourself and intuitively explore and honor your needs. Just give it a try and let it flow.
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