Menstruation: How does the menstrual cycle work?

Frau mit Strohhut mit Periodenkalender in der Hand auf pinken Hintergrund
Learn all about your menstruation, the course of your menstrual cycle and how you can better understand your body. Discover valuable tips for you!

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Female leadership - in harmony with your cycle

Sitzende Business Frau mit Worlds best boss Tasse in der Hand
On some days of your cycle, you find it difficult to combine work and everyday life. You often ask yourself how you can combine both? As a manager, you are always under great pressure and don't know how to deal with the high expectations? Gender prejudices often still prevail, especially in the professional world, for example that women are not good leaders because of mood swings. Hopefully we don't need to explain to anyone that this is complete nonsense.

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Vaginismus - live and love freely

Frau in Unterwäsche drückt sich mit den Händen auf den Bauch
Have you ever heard of vaginismus? Vaginismus is a huge hurdle and emotional burden for couples who want to have children and makes sex life extremely difficult for many women. What problems vaginismus can cause and how they can possibly be solved. We at femtis want to give you an overview of this important topic.

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Washing period underwear: the right way!

Unterwäsche an Wäscheleine draußen vor Haus
How do you actually wash period underwear? Isn't that totally complicated? No way! In this article we explain how to wash your femtis period panties in just a few steps and how to care for them so that they last as long as possible.

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