Calculating ovulation: How to determine your fertile days

Not only women who want to conceive should know what it means to have an ovulation. Because the so-called "ovulation" is part of a healthy female cycle. Perhaps you have also wondered what exactly happens during ovulation? We will explain to you in this article how you can calculate your ovulation.

Those who do not wish to have children usually think less about the question: "What is ovulation?" However, there is a new kind of women's movement that has emerged recently, in which many young girls and women are more interested in their own sexuality and their bodies. And so, ovulation has also become a topic of interest - regardless of whether you want to get pregnant or not. In this text, we will provide you with answers to the following questions:


  • What is ovulation? And when can I get pregnant?
  • What happens to my body when I have ovulation?
  • What are the signs of ovulation? And when am I not fertile?
  • Can I have ovulation without a period?
  • Ovulation despite taking the pill - is that possible?


What is ovulation?

Ovulation usually occurs 12 to 16 days before the start of the next period and happens once per cycle. During ovulation, the egg is released from the ovary. It travels into the fallopian tube and can merge with a sperm cell to form a single egg. This means that ovulation is a prerequisite for pregnancy.

The ovary prepares for ovulation from the first day of the period. The woman's fertile days are usually the days around ovulation. These are about 4-5 days before and approximately one day after ovulation.

You can calculate the fertile days as follows: Your cycle begins with the first day of your period. In a regular 28-day cycle, ovulation occurs around day 14. If your cycle is slightly longer or shorter, you need to take that into account, also how your cycle length can vary and what's normal. For example, in a 24-day cycle, ovulation occurs on day 10.

During the fertile days, you can potentially get pregnant if you are not using contraception. However, it is not guaranteed. Pregnancy also depends on the lifespan of sperm cells, the egg, or age. Additionally, the egg and sperm need to meet and merge, which is not always certain. But having sex during the fertile days naturally increases the chance of getting pregnant. By the way, sperm can survive in the cervical mucus for 3-5 days. That's why a couple can get pregnant if they had intercourse a few days before the actual ovulation day.

What happens to the body when I have an ovulation?

We don't want to get too medical at this point, so here are the key points:

As the day of ovulation approaches, the body produces increased levels of the hormone estrogen. It thickens the lining of the uterus, creating a sperm-friendly environment.

Due to the high concentration of estrogen, the luteinizing hormone (LH) rises. It is responsible for releasing the mature egg from the ovary. Ovulation occurs approximately 24-36 hours after the LH surge. However, the egg can only be fertilized for up to 24 hours. If fertilization does not occur, the uterine lining sheds, resulting in the onset of menstruation.

To learn more about the process of your menstrual cycle, check out this article on your menstrual cycle. If you experience spotting between periods and are unsure about how and when it occurs, take a look at our article on the topic.

Fertile days: What are the signs of ovulation?

Not every woman notices ovulation. On the other hand, some women experience pain, cramping, or even a small amount of bleeding during ovulation. This is known as mittelschmerz. However, it is not a cause for concern.

Here are some symptoms to look out for:

  • Slight breast tenderness
  • Mild to moderate abdominal pain
  • Increased sexual desire and a heightened libido
  • Changes in vaginal discharge, meaning that your cervical mucus becomes more abundant and may form slight strands
  • Rise in body temperature, which is why many women measure their temperature to identify fertile days

By the way, period underwear is great for increased vaginal discharge during ovulation. Our lace SVEA period string is perfect for the days around your ovulation!

Can I have ovulation without a period?

If your period is absent, for example due to stress or illness, usually there is no ovulation. At least it's not likely. The period occurs when there has been ovulation before, but the egg was not fertilized.

However, if your period is absent, it could also mean that ovulation has already occurred with subsequent fertilization through sexual intercourse. In other words, you may be pregnant.

Ovulation despite taking the pill - is that possible?

No. The pill prevents ovulation. However, it is important that you take the pill regularly. If you take it irregularly or if you forget to take the pill, your ovary may resume ovulation after menstruation. Ovulation can be triggered in the following days. That's why it's crucial not to make any errors in pill intake. Otherwise, it is not a reliable contraceptive method.